Install cPanel on VPS

Installing cPanel on your VPS requires understanding the command line and its basic functions. On your VPS, you can use the command line at the root level, providing complete and total access.

Furthermore, cPanel (WHM) is probably the most popular web hosting control panel software, and for good reason. Also, resellers can create neat packages with resource allocations and suspend users who have missed payment deadlines. cPanel itself lets users manage email, domains, security and much more.

SSH, whilst very useful for installing applications like cPanel/WHM, it’s important to be cautious with its use, as incorrectly entering certain commands could cause data loss.

Install cPanel using PuTTY

1. Open PuTTY and enter the IP or Domain address, selecting SSH as the connection type.

2. Enter your VPS username, When prompted either copy & paste or type the password for your VPS.

3. Head over to the official cPanel installation guide and, enter the command from the guide into PuTTY it will look similar to the command below:

cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest​

4. Allow some time for the cPanel installer to run.

5. Enter your VPS’ IP/Domain information into your browser’s address bar, with either :2087 or /WHM at the end.