WordPress Guides

How to change or reset your WordPress admin password

One of the most popular CMS platforms available WordPress helps to power a lot of the internets most popular websites and can handle everything from small blogs to eCommerce sites. In WordPress most content changes can be made via the wp-admin area including

Enable and Manage AccelerateWP

Take advantage of AccelerateWP to supercharge new & existing WordPress installations on our premium hosting platform and Managed WordPress hosting. AccelerateWP is tailor-made to increase the speed and performance of WordPress via advanced caching, image

Malware Removal for WordPresss

Malware has been around for a while. And, over time has come increased complexity. In its spread and, the obfuscation methods in place to prevent detection. Protecting against and tackling malware is a critical issue for individuals and businesses alike.

How to fix WordPress not sending emails

So, you’ve recently purchased WordPress hosting or installed WordPress on your site. When creating a WordPress site for your business, you need a contact page. Creating or adding a contact form will significantly aid communication between yourself

How can I Install WordPress?

WordPress is a great tool for distributing content. It provides a user-friendly approach to building and maintaining a website through different plugins and helpful features. You can choose to install WordPress in a few ways, either manually or through either